Roland Warnock and Harry Petsch with two. unidentified ladies, up on Seven Mile Mesa in 1919.
Roland Warnock, leaving the hospital after recovering from his gunshot wound, with his wife, Marie Warnock.
Seven Mile Mesa as it appears today just south of Interstate 10, about six miles east of Fort Stockton.
These oral histories were captured in 1973 and are part of Baylor University’s Texas Collection.
In 1921, Pecos County cowboy Roland Warnock suffered a gunshot wound up on Seven Mile Mesa, just outside of Fort Stockton. This is his oral history account of that day.
Scroll down for another one about his arrival in Pecos County in 1918.
Roland Warnock, A Pioneer’s Tale: Arriving in Pecos County in 1918
Roland Warnock (horseback) working his hay baler with his uncles, Arch and Lige Warnock, in an alfalfa field at Fort Stockton. 1918. This field was irrigated by Comanche Springs.